请勿短时间内使用Google voice拨大量电话或短信

前几天有个客户从Google voice中文网买了一个GV靓号,运气不错的是充值居然还能秒冲。不过,过一天就联系我说他的GV无法打电话或发短信了。

个人经验,觉得他的Google voice功能应该封了。于是问了下,才知道客户有些兴奋,短时间拨出了很多的电话。这下就明白了为什么客户的GV功能会被封。


这是事由,那么为什么会这样呢?这里Google voice中文网转发一篇谷歌语音官方的说明:

SMS Text Limits/Thresholds *UPDATE FOR TEACHERS*

Hello, and thanks for visiting the Community-sourced Google Voice help forum.
This is the consumer version of Google Voice.  It does not include any customer support, and it is not intended for business use, including commercial, non-profit nor educational use.
Google Voice’s text messaging feature is intended solely for one-to-one, personal conversations. Google Voice is not intended for bulk messaging.
To prevent abuse of the service, Google Voice will automatically block certain calling or text messaging behavior that looks like unsolicited group communication (or spam).  These behaviors may include, but are not limited to:
  • Making many outbound telephone calls of short duration
  • Sending the same text message to multiple recipients, especially when those messages do not receive replies
  • Sending URL links
  • Sending large numbers of text messages in a short period of time
There are two stages of blocking: initially, a Google Voice account may be temporarily blocked from calling and/or sending text messages.  If this happens, please wait 24 hours and try again. If you repeat the same behavior, or your initial behavior is so extreme that it requires immediate intervention, your account will be suspended.
If you received a suspension notice via email or if you see one when you visit your Google Voice web page, then your access to Google Voice is now suspended.  Click the “Contact us” link in the suspension notice to appeal. Product Experts can’t help you with this, since it is handled centrally by Google. Again, wait 24 hours and then try again.
Google Voice is not intended for bulk messaging and if you use it in this fashion your account may be flagged as spam and filtered silently.
Carrier networks are facing unprecedented peak loads because of COVID-19. The SMS network is designed for conversational messaging, and does not guarantee delivery during times of high usage. Sometimes messages can be silently dropped altogether.
For bulk communication such as announcements or notifications, we recommend that educators use a different means of communication with students such as: email, school websites, or social media. SMS is good for conversations between teachers, parents and students, and our system should work if you are using it for individual conversations only.
Thank you for your dedication as a teacher and keeping students engaged during this time of international crisis!
-The Google Voice Team